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Detail Introduction of Metal Stamping Process-1

Detail Introduction of Metal Stamping Process-1

metal stamping is an unquestionable key component. Metal stamping enables the conversion of a flat metal sheets into simple or complicated components used in so many industries.
Metal spinning process

Metal spinning process

Metal spinning, also known as spin forming or spinning or metal turning most commonly, is a metalworking process by which a disc or tube of metal is rotated at high speed and formed into an axially symmetric part.
Metal spinning does not involve removal
Cold Chamber Die Casting Process

Cold Chamber Die Casting Process

Cold Chamber die casting machines are used for all Aluminum and Copper based die casting alloys.  They are also used for certain Zinc and magnesium die casting alloys.  The main difference between the hot chamber and cold chamber process is the delivery m
Hot Chamber Die Casting Process

Hot Chamber Die Casting Process

The hot chamber die casting process is a casting process used for high volume components.  It is a cost efficient process because end users can design very complex shapes and geometries into one net shaped component.